The bridge experiment – be careful whom you’re with when your heart is racing or you might fall in love

Dr Art Aron explains his famous Bridge Experiment in this 2 minute video excerpt from This Emotional Life:

Videos of classic psychology experiments

1.Milgram Experiment (Derren Brown)

2. Albert Bandura, Social Learning and his Bobo Doll experiment!

3. Selective attention test

4. The marshmallow experiment

5. The bystander effect

6. The Asch experiment into social conformity

7. The Pavlov dog experiment

8. Little Albert experiment

9. Zimbardo’s Stanford prison experiment

What are some good tips to pass on to budding social scientists?

Answer: Get them to read eminent Social Psychologist Richard Nisbett’s engaging  series of letters: The Anticreativity Letters: Advice from a Senior Tempter to a Junior Tempter

Click on the above link to read the pdf.

Reference: Nisbett, R. E. (1990). The anti-creativity letters: Advice from a senior tempter to a junior tempter. American Psychologist, 45, 1078-1082.