Free 2-volume e-book of the famous Richard Feynman physics lectures

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How can I teach physics better?

Answer: Incorporate these free Physclips animations and teaching materials into your physics lessons:


Physclips is a free platform for learning or teaching physics at the level of senior high school or introductory university. It currently comprises completed volumes on Mechanics, Sound and Waves, Light, and has resource collections for Electricity and Magnetism, and Thermal Physics.

How can I teach physics better?


(1) Teach with the same passion and clarity and humor Richard Feynman displays in this acclaimed 7-part lecture series.

(2) Insist your students watch the lecture series themselves.

Feynman is pure charisma in this series: he’s masterful, passionate, funny and articulate–and very, very likeable.

In this video, Bill Gates explains how he came by the Feynman lectures and has made them available for everyone to enjoy:

Click here for the complete Bill Gates intro.

Click the link below to go to Microsoft’s website to watch the lectures:

The amazing Richard Feynman lecture series

Lecture 1: Law of Gravitation–An Example of Physical Law

Lecture 2: The Relation of Mathematics and Physics

Lecture 3: The Great Conservation Principles

Lecture 4: Symmetry in Physical Law

Lecture 5: The Distinction of Past and Future

Lecture 6: Probability and Uncertainty–The Quantum Mechanical View of Nature

Lecture 7: Seeking new Laws