Wisdom in two words

Care for body & mind

  1. Eat smart.
  2. Eat vegetables.
  3. Eat superfoods.
  4. Weigh daily.
  5. Move more.
  6. Meditate daily.
  7. Do mini-meditations.
  8. Sleep well.
  9. Walk tall.
  10. Check posture.
  11. Sun myself.
  12. Look attractive.

Achieve stuff

  1. Do stuff.
  2. Work hard.
  3. Implement decisions.
  4. Follow through.
  5. Show grit.
  6. Push through.
  7. Dig deep.
  8. Start today.
  9. Keep going.
  10. Finish stuff.
  11. Try again.
  12. Try it.
  13. Stress-test ideas.
  14. Pursue BHAGs.
  15. Create prototypes.
  16. Prototype early.
  17. Manifest concepts.
  18. Grab opportunities.
  19. Show up.

Help achievement happen

  1. Collaborate well.
  2. Conquer procrastination.
  3. Not yet.
  4. Do pomodoros.
  5. Study mistakes.
  6. Get organized.
  7. Set goals.
  8. Set deadlines.
  9. Set tripwires.
  10. Apply knowledge.
  11. Get good.
  12. Expect set-backs.
  13. Schedule priorities.
  14. Check progress.
  15. Failing’s OK
  16. Aim high.
  17. Exploit strengths.
  18. Remove obstacles.
  19. Be agile.
  20. Adapt quickly.
  21. Satisficing’s good.


Use brain better

  1. Love learning.
  2. Memorise essentials.
  3. Test recall.
  4. Chunk stuff.
  5. Practice deliberately.
  6. Stretch myself.
  7. Use checklists.
  8. What’s working?
  9. Pay attention!
  10. Focus well.
  11. Eliminate distractions.
  12. Conserve willpower.
  13. Create routines.
  14. Create aide-memoires
  15. Ooch in
  16. Wake up!
  17. Read selectively.
  18. Read lots.
  19. Stay curious
  20. Cultivate curiosity
  21. Create stuff.
  22. Incubate ideas.
  23. Copy brilliance.
  24. Channel heroes.
  25. Future better.
  26. Dampen biases.
  27. Dispassionately observe.
  28. Sample life.
  29. Be hyper-realistic.
  30. Recruit subconscious.

Be emotionally mature

  1. Calm down.
  2. Be flexible.
  3. Be authentic.
  4. Be conscientious.
  5. Like myself.
  6. Dream big.
  7. Self-soothe.
  8. Eliminate badness.
  9. Value criticism.
  10. Get organized.
  11. Spot defensiveness.
  12. Pursue excellence.
  13. Be self-aware.
  14. Respect myself.
  15. Respect others.
  16. Rebound stronger.
  17. Stay optimistic.
  18. Boldly go.
  19. Be exuberant.
  20. Control choking.
  21. Schedule play.
  22. Face problems.
  23. End well.
  24. Conquer fear.
  25. Conquer self-consciousness.
  26. Create SOPs.
  27. Smile first.
  28. Smile big.
  29. Have fun.
  30. Live whole-heartedly.
  31. Know thyself.
  32. Practice gratitude
  33. Be grateful
  34. Conquer compulsions.
  35. Master emotions.
  36. Practice equanimity.
  37. Forgive readily.
  38. Set deadlines.
  39. Set tripwires.
  40. Back myself.
  41. Respect myself.
  42. Safeguard reputation.
  43. Build self-trust.
  44. Control urges.
  45. Don’t complain.
  46. Value disagreement.
  47. Move on.
  48. Fix fixables.
  49. Not yet.
  50. Next time.
  51. Grow.
  52. Challenge myself.
  53. Learn constantly.
  54. Be growth-minded.
  55. Practice growth-mindset.
  56. Be open-minded.
  57. Grow up.
  58. Man up.
  59. Tolerate discomfort.
  60. Eliminate self-pity.
  61. Eliminate negatives.
  62. Re-frame positively.
  63. Control anger.
  64. Control egotism.
  65. Embrace failure.
  66. Fail often.
  67. Embrace change.
  68. Celebrate progress.
  69. Be proactive.
  70. embrace criticism.
  71. Savor happiness.
  72. Spot beauty.
  73. Avoid croakers.
  74. Avoid arseholes.
  75. Avoid character-disordereds.
  76. Buttress weaknesses.
  77. Have faith.
  78. Forged steel.
  79. Steel myself.
  80. Free myself.
  81. Shed delusions.
  82. Seek confirmation.
  83. Independence first.
  84. Be self-reliant.
  85. Multi-facet myself.
  86. Keep reaching.
  87. Embrace progress.
  88. Track progress.
  89. Seek novelty.
  90. Pre-empt disasters.
  91. Bounce back.
  92. Chin up.
  93. Life’s short.
  94. Things die.
  95. Time heals.
  96. Be realisitic.
  97. Cultivate positivity.
  98. Build resilience.
  99. Tolerate ambiguity.
  100. Tolerate uncertainty.
  101. Tolerate change.
  102. Lean in.
  103. Worry less.
  104. I’m capable.
  105. I’m OK.
  106. Life’s complicated.
  107. Life’s hard.
  108. Life’s messy.
  109. Life’s ridiculous!
  110. We’re stupid!
  111. Don’t rationalize.
  112. Life’s unpredictable.
  113. Build habits.
  114. Create nudges.
  115. Create if-thens.
  116. Banish toxicity.
  117. Seek positivity.
  118. Live deeply.
  119. Appreciate goodness.
  120. Unblock myself.
  121. Ignore fools; low-lifes
  122. Live bigger.
  123. Be likeable.
  124. Don’t settle.
  125. Don’t demonize.
  126. Don’t over-idealize.
  127. seek confirmation
  128. Pay forward.
  129. Toughen up.
  130. Rebound stronger.
  131. Good enough.
  132. Show poise.
  133. Show confidence.
  134. Silence head-talk
  135. I’m potent.
  136. Do power-posing.

Be morally mature

  1. Play fair.
  2. Keep promises.
  3. Value excellence.
  4. Create beauty.
  5. Do good.
  6. Seek truth.
  7. Champion truth.
  8. Be courageous.
  9. Embrace progress.
  10. Reach higher.
  11. Be brave.
  12. Don’t judge.
  13. Don’t harm.
  14. Values first.
  15. Don’t lie.
  16. Earn respect.
  17. Do right.
  18. Feel compassion.

Think well.

  1. Journal daily.
  2. Note it.
  3. Essence it.
  4. What’s core?
  5. Ban excuses.
  6. Challenge assumptions.
  7. Ask “why?”
  8. Conduct pre-mortems.
  9. Conduct postmortems.
  10. What next?
  11. Mentally rehearse.
  12. Why not?
  13. Re-script stuff-ups.
  14. Think independently.
  15. Solve it.
  16. Face facts.
  17. Pause first…
  18. Reflect often.
  19. Plan ahead
  20. Beware certainty.
  21. Slow down.
  22. Question tradition.
  23. Challenge status-quo.
  24. Actions talk.
  25. Results talk.
  26. Choose carefully.
  27. Keep learning.
  28. Read more.
  29. Kill delusions.
  30. Think laterally.
  31. Think first.
  32. Look back.
  33. Spend wisely.
  34. Think “base-rates”.
  35. Connect dots.
  36. Be decisive.
  37. Decide logically.
  38. Develop systems.
  39. Train brain.
  40. Exercise brain.
  41. Create solutions.
  42. Solve problems.
  43. Think rationally.
  44. Think creatively.
  45. Think differently.

Communicate well

  1. Paint word-pictures.
  2. Eliminate deadwood.
  3. Tell stories.
  4. Simplify! Simplify!
  5. Talk tentatively.
  6. Always proof-read.
  7. Eliminate “should”.
  8. Don’t interrupt.
  9. Criticize kindly.

Be otherly – not just a selfish, egotistical clod of a human being!

  1. Listen mindfully.
  2. Add positivity.
  3. Apologize right.
  4. Nurture collaborations
  5. Create collaborations.
  6. Work collaboratively.
  7. Create win-wins.
  8. Value friendship.
  9. Encourage others.
  10. Say thank-you.
  11. Say sorry.
  12. Practice loving-kindness.
  13. Love generously.
  14. Validate others.
  15. Criticize gently.
  16. Think win-win.
  17. Help intelligently.
  18. Accept flaws.
  19. Give generously.
  20. Give intelligently.
  21. Disarm critics.
  22. Don’t hurt.
  23. Practice perspective-taking.
  24. Don’t judge.
  25. Smile first.
  26. Acknowledge excellence.
  27. Acknowledge goodness.
  28. Empathize intelligently.
  29. Manage takers.
  30. Trust -> verify.
  31. Expect worminess.
  32. Value differences.
  33. Love hurts.
  34. Offer help.
  35. Be kind.
  36. Nurture friendship.
  37. Value friendship.
  38. Reward goodness.
  39. Inspire others.
  40. I-thou.
  41. Manage people
  42. Tolerate imperfections.
  43. Love right.
  44. Take turns.
  45. Converse beautifully
  46. Be persuasive
  47. Be influential
  48. Create resonance
  49. Well done!
  50. I agree.
  51. I’m sorry.
  52. Thank you.
  53. I’m wrong.