How can I keep the weight off that I’ve lost?


Daily weigh-ins and making sure you take emergency corrective action once you gain more than 3 pounds ( 1.5 kg).

Losing the weight is a lot easier than keeping it off! But teh answer seems to lie in nipping any weight gain in the bud. And to detect teh weight gain easrly means weighing in every day for the rest of your life.

Click here for the details of a study that explains what to do.

Basically here is the situation:

You have lost weight and have now achieved your target weight. You know how you lost that weight and you know exactly what you’ll need to do to lose weight again should it re-appear.

  1. Write that your emergency plan in advance – just in case you’ll need it one day.
  2. weigh yourself at the same time every day. Make it a non-negotiable habit- just like cleaning your teeth.
  3. if you’ve gain 3 pounds ( 1.5 kg), put yourself on alert- that’s a flashing light telling you “danger ahead”. re-think your recent eating and exercise habits, and think about what you could do differently.
  4. If you gain 5 pounds ( 2.5 kg), throw yourself into emergency mode. You must take corrective action immediately – no ifs or buts. Get out your emergency plan and do whatever you know you have to do to d lose those 2.5 kg – e.g. up your exercise, cut out all chocolate, bananas, bread, rice, whatever.
  5. Keep the corrective action going until you’ve fallen back to your starting weight.
  6. Congratulate yourself – you’ve achieved something very clever. You’ve nipped a serious weight gain in the bud. Now keep weighing in every day – and get ready to pounce on the next weight break-out.
About Anne Austin

I have created this website to show you simple, proven ways to improve all aspects of your life.

I hope the practical ideas I present in Practical Savvy help you become happier and more effective in all aspects of your life.

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