Videos showing the amazing power of priming

1. Five-minute excerpt from the BBC Horizons documentary “How to make better decisions”. (Watch from 2 minutes in)

The opening few sentences:

“In 1996 Professor John Bargh shocked and outraged his fellow psychologists by publishing studies that controversially showed that our decisions can be subliminally manipulated. . .

“I’ve ceased being surprised at the results of these studies only because of all the long experience that those things  keep working.” (John Bargh)

The subliminal effect that has rattled so many cages is called priming.

2. Priming, Money and their Effect On Us (6-minute video)

3. Unconscious behavioral guidance systems

In this Aug 2011 video, priming discoverer, Professor John Bargh, sums up several decades of priming research. The video goes for one hour and 20 minutes and can get a bit “academic”, but it’s truly amazing stuff, right down to explaining why we might want to take a long, hot shower when we’re feeling lonely and unloved and why drinking coffee is such a rapport-building thing to do.

About Anne Austin

I have created this website to show you simple, proven ways to improve all aspects of your life.

I hope the practical ideas I present in Practical Savvy help you become happier and more effective in all aspects of your life.

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