How can I reduce my blood pressure?

Answer: Sign up to receive Heart&Stroke Health eSupport™ (, a free email service that emails users useful tailored healthy lifestyle-change information.

A study evaluated 387 people ranging in age from 45 to 74. All had been diagnosed with high blood pressure and 72 per cent were taking one or more blood pressure medications.

One group received  a standard e-newsletter from the Heart and Stroke Foundation, containing heart health information and general tips to manage their health. The second group received eight e-counselling emails over four months that provided tailored educational and motivational messages.

Participants who received the e-counselling emails recorded approximately double the amount of decrease in blood pressure 12 months later, compared to subjects who received the standard once-only e-newsletter.

Click here to read the Science Daily article

If you’d like to reduce your hypertension and risk factors for stroke and coronary heart disease, click here to sign up to receive your free, tailored e-counselling support today.

About Anne Austin

I have created this website to show you simple, proven ways to improve all aspects of your life.

I hope the practical ideas I present in Practical Savvy help you become happier and more effective in all aspects of your life.

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