Food preparation tips

  1. How to peel a hard-boiled egg without peeling it!

    The demo by Tim Ferriss is amazing! Just one blow and out pops the egg! 

    I tried it on three eggs but couldn’t get the egg to blow out!  Maybe I don’t have enough puff!

    But the eggshell peeled off beautifully in one piece for me so I am more than happy with this  baking soda tip.YouTube Preview Image

  2. How to stop prawn and crab shells and fish heads from stinking out your rubbish bin while waiting for garbage collection day:

    Put the prawn and crab shells and fish heads in the freezer until garbage collection day.If you forget to take them out of the freezer, it doesn’t matter! They’ll just sit innocently in the freezer waiting for the time you do remember.It never dawned on me to do this until I read about it one day. Then I thought, “How obvious!” And I’ve done it ever since. No more stench of rotting prawn shells!