How can I make better decisions?

Answer: First, learn about your mind’s default settings and how you need to do some serious re-writing of the code!

Watch this eye-opening and disturbing video. Yale Professor, John Bargh, the leader  in priming research today, shows us we’re not the rational, aware decision-makers we like to think we are. Instead, we’re more like automatons a lot of the time, unconsciously responding to subtle cues in our environment in really dumb ways! After watching this video, you’ll never trust yourself to make a fully sane, rational decision again!

Unconscious behavioral guidance systems – John Bargh

(To skip the intro, watch from 2 minutes in. The video starts off a bit heavy-going and technical, but then quickly becomes rivetting. )

John Bargh provides links to all his recent key scientific papers. His 2008 paper, Free will is un-natural, is a must read. Print it off and take your time to absorb the message.

What can we do about this highly impressionable,unconscious side of ourselves?

Read this article: Changing your brain’s factory settings. The author, Eric Haseltine, suggests we need to become aware of our unconscious default brain settings and to consciously and effortfully over-write these default settings with something better!

It’s hard work being  rational!