Songs that inspire us to keep pursuing our dreams

BHAGs are Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals.

We know BHAGs are probably impossible to achieve, yet they grab hold of us and we feel compelled to try really hard at to achieve them anyway.

If a BHAG has grabbed hold of you, you’ll know what I’m talking about. If one hasn’t, the rest of this post is going to sound really corny!

It’s emotionally hard and lonely pursuing a BHAG. Nobody else quite gets what you’re talking about. Other people just see the impossibility and insane grandiosity of it all.

So you quickly discover you’ll have to pursue your BHAG largely on your own — at least in the early days when you have nothing concrete to show for your efforts.

You”ll often get dishearted and your faith will start to wobble;you’ll need to come up with ways to get yourself back on track and re-inspired, or you won’t succeed.

That’s where song therapy comes in. The right songs — with the right words and the right music sung by the right singer singing with the right feeling — can generate inside you the strong emotions you need to feel fired up and believing again.

And the new mood kicks in so easily. How magical is that!

The tricky bit is finding the right songs that do it for you. There aren’t many dream-inspiring songs out there to choose from. And the songs that move me may repulse you!

Here is how to get song therapy working for you:

1. Find a few dream-inspiring songs that resonate with you.

2. Listen to one of your songs when you feel down-hearted. Purchase your dream-inspiring songs and put them on a playlist on your Iphone or Ipod or whatever and listen to them whenever you need to. Or watch them on your computer.

3. But don’t just listen to them passively — you have to “feel” the song deeply as you listen and encourage all the strong emotions of determination and commitment and passion to well up from deep inside you. It’s intensely emotional — but very pleasant as well.

4. By the end of listening to one of your songs, you should notice your mood has shifted towards optimism for, and commitment to, your BHAG. Voila! You have successfully re-set your mood! How easy is that!

Here are five songs that “do it for me”:

1. Best song : The Impossible Dream exquisitely sung-acted by Brian Stokes Mitchell

2. Higher Ground by Barbra Streisand ( This song really resonates with me – I don’t see it as a religious song or a love song; I see it as a song sung to my BHAG or my “higher self” or something that’s hard to explain!)

3. The River by Garth Brooks

4.To Beat the Devil by Kris Kristofferson

5. I’m Gonna Take That Mountain by Reba McEntire

About Anne Austin

I have created this website to show you simple, proven ways to improve all aspects of your life.

I hope the practical ideas I present in Practical Savvy help you become happier and more effective in all aspects of your life.

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