The Leap Frog Game: seemingly impossible, but not if you approach it the right way

Leap Frog Game

Goal: Switch the frogs to the opposite side within two minutes.


1.  Click on a frog to begin.

2.  Click on the red arrow at bottom left to re-start the game.

Strategies to help you:


1. Believe the game is soluble. You may think, after a few tries, the game is impossible. It’s not.  Remember, mindset is everything: believe you can solve it and you probably will. Afterall, there are only just so many combinations of moves you can make!

2.  Don’t panic about how long it takes you. The goal is to solve it within 2 minutes. But life isn’t a speed test.  If it takes you two days  to solve it, that’s still good.

3.  Write down the sequences that don’t work. Eliminate the dud options so you don’t keep trying the same bad moves over and over.

4. Keep searching for the move you haven’t tried before.

5. When moving a frog, always keep in mind not to let two frogs of the same colour end up sitting next to each other. That’s a fatal error.

The solution:

Ask google. Type in leap frog solution. Several  youtubes will show you the answer. But don’t be tempted to look. Keep trying to solve it. You can solve it!  You just need to be systematic, exploratory and persistent!

About Anne Austin

I have created this website to show you simple, proven ways to improve all aspects of your life.

I hope the practical ideas I present in Practical Savvy help you become happier and more effective in all aspects of your life.

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