Videos on how our brain works and what makes us human


1. The brain in love by Helen Fisher

a 2008 talk to TED: 16 min long; viewed by > 100,000 people


2. The Tell-Tale Brain: A Neuroscientist’s Quest for What Makes Us Human by VS Ramachandran

a 2011 talk for The Science Foundation: 59 min (talk starts 7 mins in); viewed by > 1000 people


3. A theoretical model for how the brain works by Jeff Hawkins

a 2007 talk for TED: 22 min; viewed by > 100,000 people


4. How It Feels to Have A Stroke and What That Tells Us About the Brain by Jill Bolte Taylor

a 2008 talk to TED: 20 min; viewed by >1,500,000 people

About Anne Austin

I have created this website to show you simple, proven ways to improve all aspects of your life.

I hope the practical ideas I present in Practical Savvy help you become happier and more effective in all aspects of your life.

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