What are some attractive exercise options available for seriously overweight people like me.

Answer:  Read these articles on how four seriously obese people found enjoyable ways to exercise.

Warning: If you’re seriously overweight like the people in these stories, discuss your proposed exercise plans with your doctor.

Obese exercise: How four found exercise that worked

Obesity and exercise: Larry Brooks takes strides toward health

Obesity and exercise: Pam Newman’s working hard to stand and deliver

Obesity and exercise: Debbie Bumgardner drops the yo-yo diet, picks up a Trikke

Obesity and exercise: How 390-pound Charles Cicciarella began to walk the walk

About Anne Austin

I have created this website to show you simple, proven ways to improve all aspects of your life.

I hope the practical ideas I present in Practical Savvy help you become happier and more effective in all aspects of your life.

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