How can I get my exercise and weight-loss program to work for me?

Answer:  Be happy.

Being happy while eating healthily and exercising has lots of advantages. Watch this 2-minute video to find out how:

Intro from the video:

We all know that weight loss is not only a physical journey, but a psychological one as well. A positive attitude can do wonders for your mind and your body as you work to shed pounds and get fit. Learn how happiness can help with weight loss and lead you toward more mindful living.

What are some attractive exercise options available for seriously overweight people like me.

Answer:  Read these articles on how four seriously obese people found enjoyable ways to exercise.

Warning: If you’re seriously overweight like the people in these stories, discuss your proposed exercise plans with your doctor.

Obese exercise: How four found exercise that worked

Obesity and exercise: Larry Brooks takes strides toward health

Obesity and exercise: Pam Newman’s working hard to stand and deliver

Obesity and exercise: Debbie Bumgardner drops the yo-yo diet, picks up a Trikke

Obesity and exercise: How 390-pound Charles Cicciarella began to walk the walk