How should I read to my child?

Answer: Perhaps read the way Richard Feynman’s father read to him:

Richard Feynman was a Nobel prize winner and is famous for his ability to communicate science to the masses (that’s us!).

Feynman and Reading (1-minute video)

An elaborated version:

How can I grow my young child’s brain?

Answer: Teach him or her music.

Young Children Show Improved Verbal IQ After 20 Days of Exposure to Music-Based, Cognitive Training ‘Cartoons’

October 4, 2011 — Canadian scientists who specialize in learning, memory and language in children have found exciting evidence that preschoolers can improve their verbal intelligence after only 20 days of classroom … > full story

Time Invested In Practicing Pays Off For Young Musicians, Research Shows (Nov. 5, 2008) — A new study has found that children who study a musical instrument for at least three years outperform children with no instrumental training — not only in tests of auditory discrimination and …  > read more

Music Education Can Help Children Improve Reading Skills (Mar. 16, 2009) — Children exposed to a multi-year program of music tuition involving training in increasingly complex rhythmic, tonal, and practical skills display superior cognitive performance in reading skills …  > read more
How Music Training Primes Nervous System and Boosts Learning (July 20, 2010) — A data-driven review pulls together converging research from the scientific literature linking musical training to learning that spills over to skills including language, speech, memory, attention …  > read more

How can I prevent my teenager from becoming obese as an adult?

Answer: Try encouraging them to be physically active on most days during their high school years.

Physical Education And Active Play Help Teens Maintain Normal Weight As Adults (Jan. 9, 2008) — Adolescents who participate in physical education at school are more likely to maintain a normal weight as young adults, according to a new study. For each weekday of physical education at school the …  > read more

How can I help my child drink more responsibly?

Answer: Try cultivating a “high accountability/high warmth” relationship.

Teens and Alcohol Study: After a Few Drinks, Parenting Style Kicks in (June 25, 2010) — The teens least prone to heavy drinking had parents who scored high on both accountability and warmth. So-called “indulgent” parents, those low on accountability and high on warmth, nearly tripled …  > read more

How can I teach my children to be emotionally intelligent?

Unfortunately, this short video just explains what emotional literacy is about and why our children need to be good at it. It doesn’t tell us how to develop these skills in our children. I’ll try to find some good emotional intelligence skill-building videos.

What simple things can I do to help my children flourish?

Answer 6: Make the festive season about happy rituals and practicing altruism.

Here is a great tip from a viewer at the You Tube website:

In response to making holidays happy, one technique I did with my daughter growing up was before her birthday and Christmas she would clean out her toys and clothes to see if there were items to pass on for other kids to enjoy. . .
Also, each year we had a party that involved her and her friends doing some service for others in the community. The kids loved this because they were together. She is now 20 years old and we still continue this tradition.
We have made our holidays about the people and being around the table with friends and family.

What simple things can I do to help my children flourish?

Answer 5: Limit their TV and video watching. There are so many better things they could be doing.

What simple things can I do to help my children flourish?

Answer 4: Encourage them to play.

What simple things can I do to help my children flourish?

Answer 3: Teach them how to savor good experiences and to be grateful.

What simple things can I do to help my children flourish?

Answer 2: Teach them the growth mindset.

(And in the process, learn the growth mindset yourself so you can flourish too!)