How can I liven up a dull conversation?

Answer 2: If you’re stuck just talking trivia and you’d like to talk about something more interesting, try this bold solution!

From The Feeling Good Handbook by David Burns (Burns is a well-respected psychiatrist and multi-million selling author specializing in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy):

You can transform the most boring interactions into incredibly exciting ones within less than thirty seconds with a 100% success rate if you use this simple but bold technique:

Comment, in a tactful and friendly way, on the fact that you feel bored. Ask the other person if they feel the same way. That’s all you have to do!

If you’re chatting abut trivia with someone at a party and you’re crawling out of your skin, you could say: “Have you ever noticed how easy it is to get involved in really boring small talk at parties like this?”

They’d probably say yes. Then you could say, “Well, that’s how I feel right now {“I feel statement}. Do you feel the same way? {inquiry?}. We’re just talking about nothing at all. I don’t know why, because I’ll bet you’re an interesting person and I’d like to get to know you a little better {stroking}.

The moment you admit that you feel bored there will be a certain electricity in the air. It’s a fairly daring statement, and your boredom will be history. The compliment “I’ll bet you’re an interesting person” is included to reassure the other person that you don’t want to put them down and that you simply want to get to know them better (p 440).


What do you think?

Do you think you could be brave enough to try this once before you died?!!

I think it’s brilliant. However, I’d definitely practice it a couple of times on someone safe before trying it out in the real world!

How can I liven up a dull conversation?

Answer 1: Learn how to prod and probe well.

You prod and probe to see where possible areas of interest lie and then you follow through and open up those areas. Some people are boring if left to themselves but in the hands of a skilled conversationalist these people  become more interesting than they had ever imagined possible.

There is a need to be pro-active rather than passively reactive. It is not a matter of sitting back and saying, ‘Amuse me.’ It is more a matter of working jointly to see what can be made of a limited knowledge base. (How to Have a Beautiful Mind by Edward de Bono, p 178)

How can I be an interesting conversationalist?

Answer: Collect quirky, high-interest snippets of information and drop them into the conversation where appropriate.

This is a tip from Edward de Bono, from his book How to Have a Beautiful Mind:

“It would be difficult to build a conversation entirely around these “high interest” items.  The items, however, can be door-openers to other discussions.  .  . Such items act like currants in a cake to provide instances of interest in what otherwise might be quite stodgy.  So it’s always worth building up a repertoire of such items and having them ready for any occasion.” (How to Have a Beautiful Mind by Edward de Bono, p 177)

Examples of quirky, high-interest snippets (scattered through Edward de Bono’s book How to Have a Beautiful Mind):

Mark Antony, when he was wooing Cleopatra, used to fish in the Nile before dinner. Cleopatra would pay divers to go down and put fish on Mark Antony’s hooks, so that when he returned with all these fish she could congratulate him on his sporting ability.

The male hippopotamus marks its territory by rotating its short tail very rapidly and emptying its bowels at the same time. The excrement is thus scattered over a wide area (when the shit hits the fan).

Female stick insects can have baby girl stick insects without any need for a male.

The male seahorse is most unusual. The female produces the egg, which the male fertilises. The female then hands the fertilized egg to the male who has to look after it until the babies hatch.

In Queensland, Australia, there is a frog that swallows its eggs which have been fertilised by the male egg. The frog then turns off the hydrochloric acid and digestive juices in its stomach. The eggs develop in the frog’s stomach. When the young frogs are mature, the mother frog opens its mouth and the babies just hop out.

How to collect interesting snippets of information:

You need to make a conscious effort to collect your snippets, store them somewhere handy and memorize them.

What are some “magic phrases” worth memorizing for creating beautiful conversations?

1.  When you know little about a subject but you’re still interested, and the person knows a lot:

“I know nothing about this subject, but I’m interested and am happy to listen and learn.”

2. When you hold a particular opinion about something, but you are open-minded to reconsidering your opinion:

“This is where I stand right now. But I’m happy to change my mind if you can convince me.”

3. If you’re chatting abut trivia with someone at a party and you’ll love to move the conversation onto something better, you could say:

“Have you ever noticed how easy it is to get involved in really boring small talk at parties like this?”

They’d probably say yes. Then you could say,

“Well, that’s how I feel right now {“I feel statement}. Do you feel the same way? {inquiry?}. We’re just talking about nothing at all. I don’t know why, because I’ll bet you’re an interesting person and I’d like to get to know you a little better {stroking}.

The moment you admit that you feel bored there will be a certain electricity in the air. It’s a fairly daring statement, and your boredom will be history. The compliment “I’ll bet you’re an interesting person” is included to reassure the other person that you don’t want to put them down and that you simply want to get to know them better.  (From The Feeling Good Handbook by David Burns, p 440).

What is an example of someone demonstrating awesome listening and empathy skills?

Answer: Watch this video of Dr Carl Rogers counseling a patient called Gloria. Rogers is a famous psychotherapist who developed the Person-Centred Counseling style.

The interview lasts for about thirty minutes and is presented as four videos. In the fifth video, Rogers explains his active listening/empathizing style and why he believes it’s so effective.

Carl Rogers Part 1. (9:57)

Carl Rogers Part 2. (9:47)

Carl Rogers Part 3. (10:00)

Carl Rogers Part 4. (7:34)

Carl Rogers explains his client-centered counseling style. (7:33)

How can I manage my emotions better in conversations?

Answer: Try these ideas.

These ideas are from Making Feelings And Emotions Serve Conversations from the TalkWorks Wiki website (slightly edited by me).

Making Feelings And Emotions Serve Conversations

1.  Become emotionally self-aware.

Emotional self-awareness is the starting point in using your emotions effectively in conversations.

Get to know your own emotions and your emotional patterns:

“I tend to blow up easily when I’m challenged.”

“I sulk when people don’t pay enough attention to me.”

“I’m optimistic and friendly with almost everyone.”

2.  Monitor your state of mind.

Be mindful of your emotional state during the conversation. It’s the key responsibility of the Conversation Manager role to make sure your ‘awareness’ system is switched on.

As soon as your emotional reading gets anywhere close to the red zone, your internal alarm bell should ring — action stations, emotions in danger of getting out of control!

Let’s look at a conversation from the perspective of ‘emotional self-control’.

Toby, a college student, is talking with his younger brother, Gordon. Their parents are away for a couple of days, and Toby has been asked to “keep an eye on Gordon.” Gordon has failed to do the chores assigned to him.

Let’s consider two different ways that Toby can address this issue. We’ll call them Toby A and Toby B.

Toby A says in an exasperated voice, “Gordon, stop being a selfish little brat. Grow up. You know what you have to do. Do it!”

Miracles aside, Gordon is more likely to react than respond. Indeed, a verbal war breaks out with Gordon shouting back, “Hey, shut up. You’re worse than I am!” Does this sound familiar?

Now let’s try Toby B. He says, “Hey, Gordon, Mum and Dad will be home this evening. Let’s surprise them and have the place looking better than when they left. I’ve got some time.”

While this does not assure that Gordon will rise to the challenge – he may well be a ‘selfish little brat’ – it does give him a chance to respond, rather than react. One critical difference between Toby A and Toby B is emotional self-control. Toby B does not let his annoyance with his younger brother get the better of him.

In that conversation Toby demonstrated emotional self-control in the Explainer/Teller role. We can also apply the same idea when in the Understander role — in this case, choosing to respond thoughtfully rather than react in a knee-jerk fashion, even when provoked:

Jennifer, a single woman in her late twenties, is talking with her mother about her friends from work. Her mother keeps finding fault with everyone Jennifer mentions.

At one point her mother says, “What a sorry crowd you hang out with.”

Let’s take a look at the responses of Jennifer A, B, C, and D.

Jennifer A reacts, saying angrily, “Well, I’d rather be with them than here.” And she stalks off.

Jennifer B takes a different approach, saying, “By the way, when are we going to have dinner with uncle Ben and Sally? I’d like to do it sooner, rather than later. They’re great to be with.”

Jennifer B simply changes the topic and remains upbeat. She does not reward her mother’s remarks with a reply or, worse, with a fight, which her mother seems to enjoy.

Jennifer C takes a third approach. She says, “Mum, my friends are my friends. Since you don’t have to spend time with them, I’m not sure why you get so upset by them. I think it would be better for both of us if we simply didn’t talk about them.”

Jennifer C confronts the issue directly and suggests a remedy.

Finally, Jennifer D takes an even different approach. She says, “Mum, I know you don’t care much for my friends, but I’m not sure why. They’re all so different, but you don’t seem to like any of them.”

Jennifer D wants to get to the bottom of it and ‘work things out’. Jennifer A reacts, while B, C, and D respond in different ways. The Jennifers in B, C, and D, have one thing in common – holding negative emotions in check. Which response do you prefer and why?

3.  Prepare yourself for emotionally challenging conversations.

“I realise that Evelyn gets my goat easily, so I’ll be more careful when I’m around her.”

“I don’t get excited about other people’s successes. So I don’t celebrate with others easily. I’d be a better friend if I were to get more involved with my friends in the ups and downs of their lives.”

Susan says to a friend, “Given all the mess at his job, I know that Tom is probably going to come home one of these days and say that we’re going to have to put off our vacation. Blowing sky high won’t get us anywhere. So, I have to figure out how to handle it.”

Say the same Tom, who is happily married to Susan, works with an attractive colleague, Nell. Tom is worried Nell finds him attractive too and would like to “take things further.” Tom has prepared himself for this possibility. One evening Tom is having a drink with Nell at a conference hotel. During the conversation Nell makes a sexual overture.  Tom is emotionally prepared for this: “Nell, you’re a wonderfully attractive person, but for a whole host of reasons, I’m not right for you.” She replies, “Just thought I’d give it a try.” They continue to discuss other issues.

4. Use your emotions to motivate yourself.

Use your feelings, emotions and moods either to get yourself to do things or to delay doing things until a better time:

“I really feel good, so I’ll have that talk with Felicity that I’ve been putting off. I’m in the right mood.”

“I’m finally annoyed enough with Claire to challenge her selfish behaviour.”

“I’m down in the dumps. I’ll get over it. But until then, I’m not going to inflict myself on others. I’ll mess around on the internet for a while.”

“I’m too angry to talk to Martin right now. I’ll be in a better state of mind tomorrow.”

5. Use your emotional intelligence to side-step avoidable negative emotional reactions from the other person.

“Carl’s in a bad mood. I’ll talk to him about the problem with the furnace later.”

“Edmund is easily hurt when you criticise his brother, Ray. Edmund knows that Ray has problems, but Edmund doesn’t want them shoved in his face.”

6. Learn to manage your anger.

We get angry about so many things:

  • Someone has done something that annoys you.
  • Someone hasn’t done something that they promised to do.
  • Someone has just made what you consider to be  a snide remark.
  • Someone has a point of view you strongly disagree with.
  • Someone is annoying you by telling what you consider to be a very self-serving story.

It’s so easy to respond angrily with things such as, “That’s a really stupid thing to say,” or, “Look who’s talking! You’re worse, far worse, than me.”

The key is to keep your mouth firmly clamped shut to prevent your knee-jerk reaction coming out. Instead you need to think before speaking,and respond rather than react.

Here’s a worked example:

You’re in an aeroplane on a short flight. The kid in the seat behind you kicks the back of your seat once in a while.

Is this matter really important? You ask yourself, “Is the occasional bump I get, even though I don’t like it, a big deal?”

Is what you’re thinking appropriate to the situation? If you’re saying such things to yourself as, “His mother doesn’t give a hoot about the kid’s behaviour,” or, “She thinks it’s cute,” or, “She’s probably the type that doesn’t know what discipline is,” then you’re probably not in control. You could just as well have said to yourself things like, “I don’t envy her having to fly with a youngster,” or, “I bet the kid gets bored being strapped in like this.” Or other sentiments: “It’s a short flight. Forget it.”

Can you modify this situation in ways that will ease your anger? You see a free seat across the aisle and move with no fanfare. You smile genuinely at the mother and say, “He’s full of life, isn’t he?” You say to the flight attendant, “The kid behind me is a bit careless. I don’t want to be an ogre. What’s the best way of handling it?” Or, since the flight is short, do nothing.

Is taking action worth the trouble? “Get back into your reading. Chicago’s just a half hour away.”

The pay-off from venting anger in conversations is almost invariably poor. This is not to suggest that you will always be this rational. But if you have a framework for assessing anger-provoking situations, you can use it quickly, almost instinctively.

7.  Take responsibility for your emotional responses.

Ned is needling you about your letting yourself be fooled by a fast-talking salesman. Substitute “I let him make me angry,” for “He makes me angry,” in your thinking. Then choose an option for dealing with your anger that makes sense for the situation.

Don’t let others get to you. “He gets my goat,” is a common enough sentiment. The truth is that some of us go round ‘goat in hand’, making it easy for almost anyone to get it. If you are thin-skinned, find ways of reducing your sensitivity. You can say to yourself, “I’m a sensitive person, all right, and that’s not bad. But too often I’m sensitive about the wrong things.”

If you need to vent, choose a sympathetic third party. Get things off your chest with someone who understands you. Then you can discuss the best way of handling the situation that made you angry in the first place.

Put the reasons for your anger out in the open. While there is a case for restraining the expression of anger, there is no reason for not letting the other know why you are angry. Even then, be careful not to build such a solid case that your conversational partner has no room to move. Don’t nail people to the wall with your logic.

Consider the difference between the following two approaches to responding to someone who has vented his anger.

Conor and Alice wanted to have at least three children, but nature supplied them with only one, Melanie. There have been ongoing disagreements about the best way to relate to Melanie, how she should be brought up, and so forth. They have been talking about some problems she has been having with other children.

During the conversation, Conor says somewhat heatedly, “You’re just too protective. You can’t put her into a cocoon and pretend other children don’t exist. You can’t so arrange her life that nothing ever goes wrong. It’s unfair to her. You’re really protecting yourself. I think you’re jealous about any relationship she has. Maybe even her relationship with me.”

As is often the case when people get very angry, Conor says more than he means. He exaggerates to build his case. In the process, he says hurtful things.

So what is Alice to do? A number of different dramas might unfold. Here are some possibilities. She might retaliate. And this could turn the conversation into a battle. Or Conor’s attack might put Alice on the defensive, in which case she might try to change the topic of the conversation or even end it. In either case, the conversation would fail to continue on a constructive note and important things won’t get said.

Alice chooses neither of these options. Instead, she pauses a bit, then says, “I know you’re angry … We’ve never really come to grips with not being able to have more children and what this has done to each of us … It’s probably time we did … The point you’re making is that I haven’t handled my share of the problem very well … Well, that’s true. But I also think that we need to talk about what we’ve been doing as a couple.”

Alice does not retaliate with an angry outburst. Instead of accusing Conor of being unfair or telling him how poorly he has handled their mutual problem, she admits her own responsibility and suggests that it would be good for both of them to have a dialogue they have been putting off. Her emotional control at the service of dialogue might well help Conor to channel his energy in more productive ways. The point is ­- you have a choice.

What are some enjoyable questions to ask a dying parent or loved one?

Answer: Perhaps your parent or loved one might enjoy answering these questions:

  1. What were the best bits you remember of your life?
  2. What were your proudest moments?
  3. Is there any unfinished business or messages to pass on to others?
  4. Find lots of photos of her or him, especially old photos, go through them together and ask,  “Which are your favourite photos,and why?” Ask lots of questons about what’s happening in the photos.
  5. Is there any advice you’d like to give me?
  6. What were the happiest moments of your life?
  7. What are some of the funniest moments of your life?
  8. Is there any experience you regret not having?What are some of the most embarrassing moments?
  9. How did you and Dad (or Mum or loved one’s spouse), meet?
  10. Why did your parents give you your name?
  11. Who were your best friends in school?
  12. What  was your Mum like when you were growing up? What sort of things did you fight about?
  13. What was your Dad like? What sort of things did you fight about?
  14. When did you have your first kiss? Who was it with? Did you like it?
  15. What was your favourite pet when you were a child?
  16. What were you like as a child? How were you different from how you are now?
  17. What did you get into trouble for when you were a child?
  18. What is your favourite food memory when growing up?
  19. What was your favourite toy?
  20. What was your favourite game?

These questions come from questions mentioned in these two articles:

What questions should a child ask their parent before the parent dies?
100 questions to ask your parents

PS: Here is a very nice article:

How to Say Good-bye When Someone You Love Is Dying

It included this wise message:

Dying people want to hear four very specific messages from their loved ones, says palliative-care physician Ira Byock, author of The Four Things That Matter Most:

“Please forgive me.”
“I forgive you.”
“Thank you.”
“I love you.”

Ask yourself: “Is there anything critically important that would be left unsaid in our relationship if either of us died today?” says Byock, who’s also director of Palliative Medicine at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in New Hampshire.